The National Human Genome Research Institute is best known for its initation and completion of the the Human Genome Project. It has issued millions of dollars in grants and research money to thousands of scientists across the world to complete the HGP and begin the ENCODE project. The institute is one of the 27 institutions that make the the NIH and focuses primarily on genomic medicine. The NHGRI's main goals are to direct the research and data from the HGP to improve sequencing technology and to implement said research to improve our understanding of genetic disease and revolutionize the field of medicine. Since it's founding in 1989, the NHGRI continually strives to sequence the genomes of most of the major animals and improve the technology used in the process.
Achievements of the NHGRI:
Sequencing the Dog, Mouse, Human, Chimpanzee, South Korean, Chinese Han, C. Elegans, E. Coli, and Cow genomes.
Sequencing of the first personal Genome in 2007
Completion of the pilot phase of the ENCODE project
Completion of the Human Genome Project
First Human Methylation Map
and Much MORE!
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